How to prevent an SSD from disappearing from BIOS


I've only recently upgraded my old machine to a new one with a brand new 60gb SSD as my boot drive and a 1TB main drive.

Paranoid about completely breaking my SSD, I read up on a lot of issues that I needed to watch out for, including making sure AHCI was turned on and trim enabled.

PC has been working fine for a few weeks now, until today. My wife was watching some TV on the machine when it started to act strange and eventually blue screened.

She rebooted and the boot mgr was missing. When I got home from work I checked the BIOS and the drive had disappeared. I panicked and looked up some possible fixes, and I discovered a large amount of people having problems with the drive firmware, especially on OCZ Vertex and Agility drives, and my drive is an Agility 3 drive.

The problems included blue screens followed by missing drives, and a solution was to reset the CMOS and try again. This worked, and now everything seems to be working fine.

My question is, is there any way to prevent this from happening? Am I missing a setting for my SSD? All of the posts I found were from early to mid-2011 nothing for the end of 2011 to 2012. So I am wondering if I've missed anything.

EDIT: Checked my drives firmware and it is 2.15, which has had issues reported by users.

Best Answer

Have had the same problem and done the usual update firmware / BIOS etc. What worked was fitting the drive upside down, peeling off the large label and fitting a small heatsink (one from the North Bridge of a broken Gigabyte motherboard) using thermal paste and keeping in place with plastic tie-wraps.

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