How to plot positive and negative values on both sides of the axis in Excel

chartsmicrosoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2007

Could anyone please tell me how is it possible to plot a graph in Excel or LibreOffice in which different values for a single variable can be plotted on both sides of X-axis but in a way that both positive and negative values remain anti-parallel to each other.

Chromosome  Antisense   Sense
Chr1        4.33E+011   -3.09E+011
Chr2        2.33E+011   -4.09E+011
Chr3        4.33E+011   -3.09E+011
Chr4        2.33E+011   -4.09E+011

Best Answer

From my understanding of your question, you want to draw a line chart with two lines (sense and antisense) separated by the 0 axis and each line contains data points for each Chromosome. Just like the chart shows below?

enter image description here

Please comment me if this chart is right. I made this chart using an Excel add-in called Funfun, it allows me to use JavaScript directly in Excel so I could use Chart.js library to plot this chart from the data in the spreadsheet. You could check the code on the link below.

You could also connect the link above to your excel so all the codes and chart will be directly loaded into your Excel. Here are some screenshots of what it looks like.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Disclosure: I'm a developer of Funfun