How to play all media in the library in Foobar2000

foobar2000media playermusic

I configured my Foobar2000 to monitor some folders for media. How to play those folders? I'm not finding the button….

Best Answer

To get a playlist populated by the media library:

By the Album List panel: Library > Album List (If the album list panel is in your layout it should flash some times, if not a new window appears.)

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You could right click the branch and choose the appropriate action (e.g. Add to current playlist / Send to new playlist). The highest branch is All Music... If the "library viewer selection playlist" is enabled (look at Molly Answer) the playlist will be populated when you select a branch.

You could also change double & middle click actions, and tweak the different views with the title formatting syntax in File > Preferences > Media Library > Album List

By the Search panel: Library > Search (If the search panel is in your layout it should flash some times, if not a new window appears)

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Here you could use the query syntax and Enter to send your search in the actual playlist and play it. Use Right Click in the list for other options... %path% PRESENT finds all your library

Additionaly: with these two panels you could create AutoPlaylist (auto populated): use the three dots in Search and right click in Album List.

And the component Facets could interest you.

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