How to pipe awk output (with periodic, continuous input) to output file


I am trying to write a command that pipes the continuous output of a free command (run every second) to an awk command that parses a specific value (available free memory) and outputs this to a file with a timestamp. Here are my current attempts at the command:

free -mto -s 1 | awk '/Mem/ { print strftime("%r") "," $4 }' >>memOut

And alternatively, after a bit of Googling

free -mto -s 1 | awk '/Mem/ { print strftime("%r") "," $4 >>"memOut"}'

Each run produces empty files. Any suggestions or possibly different methods?

Best Answer

You have to flush the buffer to see something in memOut during the execution:

free -mto -s 1 | awk '/Mem/ { print strftime("%r") "," $4; fflush(stdout) }' >> memOut

Here's an alternative version:

while sleep 1; do sed -n "s/MemFree: */`date`, /p" /proc/meminfo; done >> memOut
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