How to Pin a Shortcut or Batch File to Windows Taskbar and Start Menu

shortcutstaskbarwindows 10windows 7windows 8

We are having trouble adding our batch scripts to the Windows 7, 8 or 10 taskbar or start menu.

Our batchfiles take some arguments and just execute other application based on those arguments .
To keep it simple, we created some shortcuts for our customers which they just need to click in order to get everything running.

The question here is: How can we pin those shortcuts or batch files to the taskbar or start menu?

(The customers aren't supposed to access the file system and that's why they can only see the taskbar)

Best Answer

  1. Create a shortcut to your batch file.
  2. Get into shortcut property and change target to something like: cmd.exe /C "path-to-your-batch".
  3. Simply drag your new shortcut to the taskbar. It should now be pinnable.