How to open multiple tabs in IE8 from the command prompt


What command line options can I use for opening multiple tabs in IE 8 from the command prompt or a .bat file? I've tried the URLs separated by "", commas, <> and |, but nothing has worked.

Best Answer

AFAIK IE doesn't support multiple URLs as command-line parameters. You can invoke it multiple times with a single URL each from a batch file or something, but that seems to open separate windows. For launching multiple URLs in tabs in a single IE window, use the following script:

var navOpenInBackgroundTab = 0x1000;
var objIE = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
objIE.Navigate2("", navOpenInBackgroundTab);
objIE.Navigate2("", navOpenInBackgroundTab);
objIE.Visible = true;

Save as StartIE.js, then either double-click in Windows Explorer, or use wscript.exe StartIE.js at the command prompt to launch.

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