How to open existing virtual machine with multiple .vmdk files


I created a new Virtual Machine. On the Virtual Hard Disk screen I am selecting Use existing hard disk. I copied the VM files from another machine. It has multiple .vmdk files and when I select one .vmdk file to use as existing hard disk, VMware shows error message "The file specified is not a virtual disk"

How can I open existing virtual machine with multiple .vmdk files?

Best Answer

If you are trying to recreate the original VM, did you try exporting the original VM as an OVF, then importing the OVF to recreate the original VM? The OVF will help bundle nearly everything for you.

If you are trying to just add an individual drive of the original VM the following are some helpful questions in diagnosing the issue.

  1. What Platform are you running on?

  2. On edit setting does it point to the correct vmdk file name? This can help in showing which files you will need to use at the same time to add the entire vmdk since they could be broken up if using thin provisioning.

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