Windows 8 On-Screen Keyboard – How to Move It

on-screen-keyboardwindows 8

From the first look, it seems that the onscreen keyboard in Windows 8 cannot be moved from its default position at the bottom of the screen:


However, sometimes it obstructs the input field and should be repositioned (see iOS 5's screenshots for examples)

So the question is, can it actually move? If it can, how can I do that? If it cannot, is it possible to use the keyboard to fill an input field that is underneath it?

Best Answer

The keyboard you are using has two modes - docked and undocked:

  • In docked mode, the keyboard locks to the bottom of the screen, as per your screenshot.
  • In undocked mode, you can drag it around the screen as necessary.

To switch between the two modes, click this button:

Undock button on new-style on-screen keyboard

Alternatively, you can use the on-screen keyboard that used to be an accessibility feature in previous versions of Windows. To launch this, open the Start screen and type keyboard, then select this application:

Search for keyboard

This will appear as a desktop window instead, and has a larger choice of buttons:

Old-style on-screen keyboard

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