How to “mark” multiple “words” in notepad++


I hope I explain this correctly.

Using notepad++ I am trying to "mark" multiple words. I tried adding a , between each word I am looking for in the "find what:" portion of "mark" but with no success. I could do this one at a time but I want to mark about 50 words and that would take too long


I want to mark yahoo, candy and goku all at once.

Is this possible with notepad++?

Best Answer

This answer is similar to nixda's

Using the Find dialog in the Search menu:

  1. Click the Mark tab
  2. In the Find What textbox type the regular expression (Yahoo|Goku|Candy)
  3. In the Search Mode group select Regular Expressions
  4. Click Mark All

As far as I'm aware this doesn't require the RegEx Helper, although I could be wrong here.