Windows – How to make Windows tab completion work like on Linux

command linewindows

In the Windows 7 command line, pressing TAB completes to the first matching item (ie, folder or file). In most Linux shells I am aware of, like bash, TAB completion completes only up to the characters that are unambiguous and then you can either type the remaining character(s) yourself or get a list of completion options.

How can I make the Windows command prompt behave like this as well?

(While searching for this question, I've just discovered in another superuser question that pressing multiple times the TAB key will cycle through the options. This is very neat, and perhaps one day I'll actually favor it over the bash-type completion. But for now, my original questions still remains.)

Best Answer

clink brings some Bash-like features to Windows command interpreter. It's portable and can be injected into cmd.exe automatically:

clink autorun --install
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