Windows – How to make windows search search in Windows 10

searchwindowswindows 10

Ever since I've install Windows 10 I'm having this annoying problem. Windows search (Winkey+S) is not finding most of the stuff. It can find certain things such as Control Panel, or an executable if I happen to know the exact name of the .exe file, but not always. It is not finding programs in program files or even on desktop.

Here is an example. Say, I want to search for GOG Galaxy. I enter it in windows search like this:
enter image description here

It yields nothing. Same as if I type GalaxyClient.exe which is the name of the executable. It does not find anything useful even if I click "Search my stuff":

enter image description here

Which is quite surprising, given that I have GOG Galaxy right here on my desktop:

enter image description here

I also made sure that both my desktop and program files where Gog Galaxy is located are part of windows search index:

enter image description here

Gog Galaxy is just an example. It does not work with most of programs either.

How do I make it work? Do I need a third party program for this?

Best Answer

So this is a rather common problem actually. Look for PowerShell in the start menu (it's under accessories in the "All Apps" section). Launch that as administrator and type this in:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

It may spit out an error at the end, but that is normal(? I just ignored it and search worked after). Hope this helps!

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