Windows – How to make the folders inaccessible by other administrator accounts on Windows 8

privacySecuritywindows 8

I want to make my folders private, so that they can only be accessed after logging in with my own account, but be inaccessible by other local accounts, even the administrator accounts.

I have a PC with windows 8 Professional.

I know I can set the security options for a folder and deny full control access for any other account already created. But since there are other Administrator accounts, new accounts can be created from there and then my folder will be accessible from there.

And if I deny access for ALL administrator group, then even I myself wont have access to my folder!

What is the solution?

Best Answer

within the windows ecosystem, there is NEVER a way to keep an admin out of your files, especially if they have physical access to the machine. Trying to keep admins out is a good way to lose access to your own files.

instead look at an external encryption solution like Truecrypt or even PGP/GPG. MS EFS goes a long way, but if another user can export your cert, its completely worthless for your usecase.