How to make the computer use more RAM


I'm running Windows 7 64-bit with 8GB of RAM. The problem is, I very rarely use all of it.

I do some video editing from time to time and it definitely comes in handy then, but for everyday use, I'm not making best use of it.

Are there any settings I can change which will force my operating system to use more RAM, for instance, stopping it using pagefiles? I'm happy for it to use up to 4GB itself when I'm just mucking around browsing and moving files around. As far as I know, having more of the operating system in memory would make it more responsive. It's not exactly bad at the moment, but surely it can't hurt especially as I'm not using it for anything else.

I'd also like it to stop swapping pages out of memory onto the disc when running other programs like browsers, media players etc. unless it really has to. This would lengthen the life span of my disc, and also make everything generally more responsive.

Please let me know if I've got any of my facts wrong here.

Best Answer

Control panel->system->avdanced system settings->advanced->performance settings->advanced->virtual memory change-> uncheck automatically manage, and set the pagefile to whatever you want. I would NOT recommending setting no pagefile, as should you go near 8GB, you would get an error, but you could certainly do it.

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