How to make Mission Control keyboard friendly

keyboard shortcutsmission-controlosx lion

In Snow Leopard, when you Expose, you can navigate to each window by using the keyboard arrow keys. With Lion, this is not possible anymore. Does anyone know how to make the arrow keys work in Mission Control?

Best Answer

Here is a list of Mission Control related keyboard actions that I've discovered through both the docs and trial and error.

There seem to be two main modes that you can launch into and each mode has it's own set of key bindings:

  1. Normal/Desktops Mode - Control-Up - this mode shows your apps for the current desktop and a row of available desktops across the top.
    • Go to Desktop N - Control-1, Control-2, and so on.
    • Go to Left Desktop - Control-
    • Go to Right Desktop - Control-
    • Toggle preview of highlighted application window - spacebar
    • Switch to application windows mode - `
  2. Application Windows Mode - Control+Down - this mode shows you a tiled view of all of the application windows (across all desktops) for a single application.
    • Navigate through tiled application windows - , , ,
    • Select highlighted application window - return
    • Toggle preview of selected application window - spacebar
    • Cycle forward through applications - `
    • Cycle backward through applications - tab
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