How to lock/protect tags of mp3 files from being edited


Is there a way to lock/protect the mp3 tags from being edited again after me?
I know that the "read-only" feature in the windows properties can do it. but anyone can right click and unchecked it so I need any another way.

Thanks e?

Best Answer

If you are talking about restricting access to id-tags (and essentially write-access to files) on your PC or local network, then you can set permissions specifically for your user account and restrict everyone else to read-only. This can be done if your mp3 files are stored in NTFS file system (From OP, I assume we are talking about windows environment here). You can read some good info about NTFS permissions here

If you want to protect id-tags of mp3 files in general. Like if you send those files elsewhere or share them on the net, then I have to disappoint you, this seems to be impossible. At least I haven't heard of such functionality.