How to limit max bandwidth per IP/MAC address


I have a client who would like to offer free bandwidth to his clientèle but limit the amount of downloaded bandwidth by either MAC address or IP address on a given day. Believe it or not, bandwidth is still very expensive in South Africa, hence the limit needed to be placed on clients.

Basically, we would like to set up a Wireless DHCP router to which anyone can connect with the right password. The person would then be able to connect but will only be allowed to connect and download a maximum of say 20Mb.

I've read a fair amount on QoS but nothing as specific as what I am looking for.

Does anyone have a solution to this?

Best Answer

The Gargoyle router firmware looks like it may do what you're looking for. Check their list of supported routers though.

I don't have any personal experience with it, but this screenshot looks like configuration settings for exactly what you're trying to do.