How to launch a program on different desktop, using sysinternals desktops


Is there a way to start a program on a different desktop? Say if Desktop 2 is currently displayed, how could I open Notepad on Desktop 4?

Best Answer

You will need to create a program for launching an executable on another desktop of Sysinternals Desktops.

This is possible to do with the Windows CreateProcess function by specifying the desktop name in the STARTUPINFO structure member of lpDesktop.

The format is windowstation\desktop and may look like "winsta0\Sysinternals Desktop 1".

To find the names of the Sysinternals desktop objects you may use the winsta tool that enumerates window stations and desktops in the current session (although you will need to compile it yourself).

Reference: Windows 10 Desktops vs. Sysinternals Desktops.