How to know which google chat client a person is using


How to know which google chat client a person whom you are chatting with is using?
(obviously without asking him :))

Best Answer

On several clients (not all of them), you can either show the resource (client) through which the contact is logged on. Pidgin is one. It also lets you customise the resource string that others see.

Following are typical entries you'll see as a resource:

Resource: gmail.09CFCA5A
Status: Available
Resource: gmail.F6143747
Priority: 0
Status: Away
Resource: Talk.v1042089816B
Priority: 24
Status: Available
Resource: HomeE4B53097
Status: Available
Client: Pidgin 2.5.8 (libpurple 2.5.8)
Resource: gmail.F739C100
Priority: 24
Status: Available: Tricky !!!
Resource: Talk.v10481809E73
Priority: 24
Status: Available: Tricky !!!
Resource: 54B38B7D
Status: Available
Client: Pidgin 2.5.5 (libpurple 2.5.5)

The above list shows some contact logged in through multiple clients.

In Pidgin, you can view this info by either hovering over a contact's name in the Buddy List, or using "Get User Info.."

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