Networking – How to Kill Windows Zombie TCP Connections


I'm running beyondtv link on xp, connecting to beyondtv a vista host. The Link program hangs after about 20 min, and I have no fix for this. When this happens, using tcpview, I see that the host has about 200 zombie tcp connections left over from the Link connection. I can't clear them, they are from the same non-existent process. The connections hang around until I reboot the host. Rebooting is the only way I have found to reconnect beyondtv Link. I think there is a bug in beyondtv that is causing this, but I can't get any answers on their forums. But at any rate, I would like to know if there is a way to kill all those connections.

Edit: it's actually about 3000 WAIT_CLOSE connections accumulating after about 40 min, and about then the client dies. If I close the server app, all these sockets now show as owned by a -non-existent- process in tcpview. Understandable. But isn't there a way to close them without re-booting?

Best Answer

You can use Nirsoft's Currports to monitor and kill connections.

You can automate killing of a connection pattern using AutoHotKey.

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