Sync Folders – How to Synchronize Folders Over Home Network


Like many people I take quite a few photos, and also like quite a few people I don't back up as frequently as I should.

What I'd like to be able to do is automatically synchronize my "to be backed up" folder to some of the other machines that live on my home network.

I need something that:

  • Doesn't require anyone to be logged on
  • Monitors folders and doesn't require a manual start
  • Only sends across what has changed
  • Doesn't force traffic over an Internet connection (The initial sync may be several gigabytes)
  • Isn't limited beyond local available disk space (EDIT: For the sake of argument, assume there is in excess of 50 Gb that I'd like to float around.)
  • Copes if "the other end" goes away unexpectedly, is not available (for instance, If I've taken my laptop to see my parents, I obviously won't be able to see my desktop PC)

Is anyone aware of anything that fits the bill? I've come close, with things like Windows Live Mesh (but that is both limited in quantity, and requires me to be logged on at both ends for the sync to er, sync), but I want to evaluate the options before sitting down and developing something myself if needs be.

Does anyone know of anything that fits my requirements?

Best Answer

You're asking for a lot.

Since internet syncing is out, you can't go Dropbox which is what I would have voted for.

You could take a look at SyncToy, since from your tagging I'm assuming you are on Windows. It is free from Microsoft.

However, this MAY not fulfill your demand of "not being logged on". I am not quite sure how to interpret this. SyncToy does not work when you are not logged on on the machine that requires a sync. However, it can pull data form unattended machines (as long as these give access to the protocols that SyncToy uses.

SyncToy has worked for me and for my friends in the past. I am not currently using it, because I switched to a Mac.

Update: from Windows users, I also hear good stories about SyncBack, which offers a free version.

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