Windows – How to install mintty into ‘Git Bash’ on windows


I have installed git on windows from and I use the Git Bash shortcut to access git commands.

Unfortunately, Git Bash uses the Windows Command (CMD.EXE) Terminal which is horrible to work with.

How can I change Git Bash to use mintty instead of CMD.EXE?

Best Answer

Head over to and download the latest zip file containing the mintty msys package. As of 18 Oct 2014, the latest version is

Extract mintty.exe from the zip file and copy it to the bin folder where you installed git. If you installed git to the default location, the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin

Next right click on the windows shortcut for Git Bash. Change the target to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\mintty.exe" /bin/sh --login -i. If you installed git to a different location, you will need to use your installed path.

Now clicking on the Git Bash shortcut should open mintty.

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