Word Document – Insert Display Equations Without Breaking Paragraph

equationsmicrosoft-word-2013text formatting

Is there a way to write a display equation in Word 2013, without starting a new paragraph?

For example, the following text is a single paragraph:

enter image description here

Notice how after the display equation, there's no identation, indicating that the whole thing is a single paragraph. How do I do this in Word? Is there a way to insert display equations in word without breaking a paragraph?

Best Answer

It's actually very simple: just use "line breaks" (which can be input by Shift+Enter) instead of "paragraph marks/pilcrows" (which are input by Enter itself). Word will treat the equations after a "line break" or "pilcrow" as a Display equation by default. Thus, you just need to

  1. Press Shift+Enter after "the interaction is",
  2. Click "Insert an Equation"
  3. Type your equation
  4. Press Shift+Enter again.
  5. Continue your text input.

And Word will not treat the text before and after the equation as two sentences or two paragraphs. The final result is like this (I added a "where" before P(r) to show that the words before and after the equation belong to the same sentence, otherwise my Word 2013 will complain that the "w" is not upper-cased):

no new sentence/paragraph screenshot

I turn on the option to display the paragraph marks (pilcrows, line breaks,...) to make my points clearer. For more information about these marks, see an old link here.