Windows – How to increase the size of the pinned jump list in Windows 7

jumplisttaskbarwindows 7windows 8.1

I use Notepad++ for a bunch of text files. I like to pin my frequently used text files to the Notepad++ icon on the taskbar. There seems to be a limit of 18 items visible. I can pin more than 18 files but I can't see them. I have plenty of screen real estate so the jumplist/pinned list could be a lot taller. How can I increase the size of the "Pinned" portion of the jump list in Windows 7?

Note that I am NOT talking about the increasing the size of the "recent" portion of the jump list (I have that set to zero). I can find plenty of hits on adjusting the size of that, but nothing on adjusting the size of the "Pinned" list.

Best Answer

Google doesn't seem to have anything on increasing the pinned section, but Jumplist Launcher could possibly get the result you're looking for, albeit with a bit more work. You'd have to add all of the files you want via the program, but the end result would appear be similar to pinning them all.

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