Windows Remote Desktop – How to Improve Screen Resolution

remote desktopresolutionwindows xpwindows-server-2003

I'm RDP'ing into a Win2K3 machine from a WinXP machine, and I cannot stand the low screen resolution I get on the Win2K3 box. Text is too large and the graphics/colors aren't very smooth. How do I improve this?

If I right-click on the desktop of the remote machine and go to Properties -> Settings, I see that the screen resolution is set to 1280×1024 (should be okay, I would think), and the color quality is Medium (16 bit) (not optimal) and I don't have the option to change either setting (because they're set in the .rdp file for the session, right?).

If I move over to the Appearance tab, I see that font size is set to Normal, with no option to make it smaller.

The thing is, these settings are close to what I have on the XP machine I'm RDP'ing in from. The only difference (in those settings) is the color quality, which is 32 bit.

Any ideas on how I can improve the situation?

Other tidbits:

  • The graphics card on the Win2K3 machine is ATI ES1000. I think I have the latest drivers for it.
  • I'm running VMware Workstation on the
    Win2K3 machine, and if I create a
    Win2K3 VM and RDP into it from the XP
    machine, the resolution is just fine.

Best Answer

The maximum is actually 24-bit, but it's disabled by default. It's nothing to do with the graphics card. You can enable it by following the brief instructions listed here :

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