How to import LibreOffice Impress templates


I've searched online, and found freely available additional templates for LibreOffice Impress at, but has nothing matching a search for "import libreoffice impress templates", and I haven't found the right button, apparently, in the LibreOffice GUI.

Given that I have a zipfile of additional templates, how can/should I import them to Impress?


Best Answer

While in LibreOffice Impress do the following

  1. Go to File > Templates > Manage Templates (or Ctrl + Shift + N
  2. In the new window that opens up, click on Import in the bottom right corner

choose templates window

  1. Choose a category in the Select from Existing Category window or create a new category below that

choose template category 4. Navigate to where you have your templates stored and choose one of the .otp template files
5. Click Open and you're done

Edit: this was done on LibreOffice version on openSUSE Leap 42.3.

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