How to hide the username in irc


I'm using irssi for my IRC client, and whenever I connect to a channel (e.g., #whatwg), it greets me with the line and I've tried the command line

0:22 -!- <nick> [~kalaracey@12.345.678.90] has joined #whatwg

I do not want my real hostname username there (i.e., kalaracey). How do I change this, so that kalaracey isn't there; i.e., everybody doesn't match that name with my IP.

I've tried
irssi --hostname=<hostname> and irssi -h <hostname. I've also done, inside irssi, /set hostname <hostname> and, when adding a server, /server add -host <hostname> -network <network> <address>.

EDIT: Just realized what I want to hide is my username, NOT my hostname. Thanks @DaveC.

Best Answer

To change your username in irssi do:

/set user_name <whatever>

From within the client.

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