Excel – How to hide rows based on a cell value

microsoft excelworksheet-function

I have a worksheet which has many formulas and I need the following to happen: when this worksheet is used, and some cells on different rows are filled with a number other than 0, the rows which contain cells with 0, to hide automatically. And this should happen every time that worksheet is used, with different values.

About the attached example:

  • The value that changes is in column B
  • D, E and F are merged cells on each row
  • talking about the attached example: I need rows with Text2, Text 4 and Text 5 to be hidden automatically, because in B column the value is zero for these rows.
    enter image description here

  • IMPORTANT! – at each use of the worksheet, the rows that have 0 in column B are different. Not always the same. And also, this automatization must apply only to a certain selection in the document (let's say from rows 45 to 135).

Best Answer

This is similar to another answer but testing shows performance is nearly 1.5 orders of magnitude (70x) faster by doing all the property changes in two transactions; one each for hideRange.EntireRow.Hidden = True and unhideRange.EntireRow.Hidden = False.

There are three constants at the beginning of the file used to specify the column, starting row, ending row and value to hide on. The OP values have been plugged in.

Copy the following code into the specific vba WorkSheet module. This code will not work from a regular module. Press Alt-F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. Press Ctrl-R to focus/open the Project Explorer pane. Navigate to VBAProject(<file name>), Microsoft Excel Objects and open the Sheet#(<sheet name>) where the hidden rows reside.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

  ' Hide Rows if row value in watch_Column is hide_On_Value.
  ' watch_Column must include start_on row number (e.g. A1 or C3)

  ' Hidden rows, beyond the range of cells with values, may not
  ' unhide. For speed, only process rows being used <= end_of_watch.
    Const watchColumn = "B45" ' Beginning Cell (row and column) to watch.
    Const endOfWatch = "135" ' Last row. if "", rest of rows in use.
    Const hideOnValue = 0

    Dim hideRange As Range
    Dim unhideRange As Range
    Dim r As Range
    Dim seeRow As Boolean
    Dim watchStart() As String
    Dim lastRow As String
    Dim tmpEnableEvents As Boolean

    Set r = Me.UsedRange ' call and discard to reset LastCell
    With Me.UsedRange
        lastRow = .Row + .Rows.Count - 1
    End With
    If endOfWatch <> "" Then
       If Val(lastRow) > Val(endOfWatch) Then lastRow = endOfWatch
    End If
    watchStart = Split(Me.Range(watchColumn).Address(True, False), "$")
    If Val(watchStart(1)) > Val(lastRow) Then Exit Sub
    tmpEnableEvents = Application.EnableEvents
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each r In Me.Range(watchColumn & ":" & watchStart(0) & lastRow)
        seeRow = True
        If IsEmpty(r) Then
        ElseIf CStr(r.Value2) = vbNullString Then
        ElseIf r = hideOnValue Then
            seeRow = False
            If Not r.EntireRow.Hidden Then
                If hideRange Is Nothing Then
                    Set hideRange = r
                    Set hideRange = Union(hideRange, r)
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If seeRow And r.EntireRow.Hidden Then
            If unhideRange Is Nothing Then
                Set unhideRange = r
                Set unhideRange = Union(unhideRange, r)
            End If
        End If
    Next r
    If Not unhideRange Is Nothing Then
        unhideRange.EntireRow.Hidden = False
    End If
    If Not hideRange Is Nothing Then
        hideRange.EntireRow.Hidden = True
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = tmpEnableEvents
End Sub

Regular Module Changes

  • Change the Sub name.
  • Change all the Me objects to a specific sheet reference.
    • Worksheets("Worksheet Name") criteria for one worksheet.
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