Google Chrome – How to Have Multiple Browsing Sessions

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I often need multiple browsing sessions for logging into multiple services with different accounts at one time. I don't want to have to use multiple browsers, nor do I want to use a different release of Google Chrome. I would be open to running multiple instances of Google Chrome. However, I've tried using open -na Google\ Chrome and it won't open a second instance. Is there a way to do this on a Mac with Google Chrome?

Best Answer

Chrome supports multiple user profiles, you can make use of this to have multiple browsing sessions.

Click on the Chrome Menu (Mac users: Chrome-Preferences) → Click on Add New User. Now, there's a new instance of Chrome with a entirely different profile from the current user, so the cookies and the like are not shared.

Now, when you launch a new window, you can select a user profile to switch between & hence have multiple sessions.

enter image description here

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