Firefox JavaScript – How to Halt Execution After Page Load


Javascript is responsible for loading the content of a page I need, so disabling javascript with noScript prevents the content from loading. However, once the javascript for this page has finished loading content, it starts doing annoying gimmicky animated BS that make the page unusable. Even worse the script has some sort of bug in its BS code that makes it briefly hang my computer every 20 or so seconds. Once I've loaded the content I don't need it constantly updating and doing flashy bullcrap (I don't need any javascript functionality except loading the content).

How can I leave javascript alive long enough to deliver the content to me, then shank it right in the runtime and leave it bleeding out in the script console, regretting its life choices?

Best Answer

You can probably break into the developer tools and pause all scripts.

Hit F12 to open the Developer Console. Click on Debugger Click the Pause Button

If F12 doesn't open the Developer Console, then it may need to be enabled, although I think it is enabled by default in the latest version.

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