VirtualBox – Get VMs to Use Host’s DNS


I use VirtualBox for my VMs. My office network setup is wireless, i.e. I connect to my company's WiFi network, which has a local DNS to resolve local names (such as going to When I build a new VM, it can connect to the outside internet inheriting the host's connection but it doesn't resolve local names using the local DNS. So I have to go into /etc/hosts on the VM and manually make an entry after I resolve the name on the host, which is annoying.

Is there a way to have VirtualBox automatically connect the guest to the host's DNS so that I do not have to do this manual step? My host is OSX Mountain Lion, the VMs are typically Ubuntu but I doubt that should matter.

Best Answer

To enable DNS Proxy Mode using the host's resolver, run the following command:

VBoxManage modifyvm "<VM name>" --natdnshostresolver1 on

As a result, guest OS DNS requests will be intercepted and resolved using host DNS API, rather than having guest OS connect to external DNS servers as with --natdnsproxy1 on.

You can get the name of the VM by running VBoxManage list runningvms.

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