Windows 7 – Get Rid of ‘The Publisher Cannot Be Verified’ on Network Files

windows 7

Whenever I try to run executable files (.exe. .com, .bat, …) on a mapped network drive I get this annoying popup dialog asking me if I'm sure. How to stop this and just run the files unimpeded?

"the publisher cannot be verified" dialog
(not my screenhot, just an image I grabbed at random online)

Unlike the related Get rid of "The Publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software"? I don't want to disable this safety feature completely (as in "don't ever warn me about any executable"), just turn it off for known good locations.

Best Answer

An easier and safer option (suggested by matt wilkie in the comments) (Source)

This is the result of Microsoft trying to protect users from malicious programs. The message will appear for any shortcut or executable that is hosted on a network share.

To resolve the issue, follow the below steps:

  1. First, determine what server the shortcut is hosted on.

  2. Open Internet Explorer.

  3. Click Tools, then Internet Options.

  4. Click the ‘security’ tab. Once you are on this tab. Make sure you first click "Local Intranet", and then the "Sites" button. Click it.

  5. On the form that is displayed, click ‘Advanced’.

You will be shown a list of sites that are in the "Local Intranet"

  1. To add your server to the list. Type file://server where 'server' is the name of your server, Click ‘Add’.

  2. Click OK, on the rest of the dialogs to get out of the settings for Internet Explorer.

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