How to Remove Evaluation Copy Message on Windows 10 Pro

windowswindows 10windows updatewindows-insider

I disabled the Windows Insider option a few months ago, and my Windows install has finally installed updates today.

However, it still shows the following message on the desktop:

enter image description here

I have tried disabling the windows insider program by following the instructures in this link which says to:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Update & security – Windows Insider Program.
  3. On the right, click on the button Stop Insider Preview builds.

When I get to step 2, I do not see a Windows Insider Program option in Update & security. What I see is shown in the image below:

enter image description here

How do I stop any further insider build updates if I can't see an option to stop insider builds, in the hope that once Build 18342 becomes a stable build, the evaluation copy message disappears.

I ask this because I seem to continuously be getting newer insider build previews installed on my computer.

Best Answer

Your watermark notes that you are on 18342, which is an Insider Preview build:

You will see that watermark until you return to a Windows 10 regular release, the latest of which is build 17763, or Windows 10 1809.


I think you're missing a key bit of information: Stopping Insider Preview does not return your build to a current release, and you'll keep seeing that message UNTIL you're back on a regular release.

Right now your computer is on a February 2019 release of Windows 10, which is later than the most recent full release, which is dated September of 2018.

Stopping the Insider Preview builds does NOT take you back to the latest full release (1809). It's also well past the 10 day limit on roll-backs so you cannot simply roll back to 1809, even if you went from 1809 directly to the currently installed release.

You have two choices:

  1. Wait for the next Full Release (likely sometime in April)
  2. Reinstall Windows 10 back to the current Full Release of 1809.
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