Windows 10 Lock Screen – How to Get Rid of Background Window

lock-screenwindows 10

I don't want to get the of the lock screen. If I hit Windows+L I want it to go directly to the lock screen. Instead, it goes to a background screen that I have to click or otherwise interact with to get to the lock screen – I can't just start typing my password! The same thing happens if I power up my computer out of sleep.

I have looked under Settings -> Lock Screen and I can see where I can change the picture for this background, but not how to skip this screen entirely.

I don't know what this extra background screen is called, but I want to get rid of it! How do I do this? I used to have it configured this way, but when I applied the Windows Anniversary Update yesterday it reverted to putting this annoying extra screen in the way.

Best Answer

There is a workaround to disable the Lock Screen in Anniversary Update builds, in any edition of Windows.

Create a Scheduled Task that runs the following command-line, or a batch/script that runs the following command:

reg.exe add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\SessionData /t REG_DWORD /v AllowLockScreen /d 0 /f

The idea is to reset the AllowLockScreen value data to 0 on these two trigger events:

  • Log on
  • Workstation unlock.

So you need to use multiple triggers for that task.


Download the Task XML from here: How to Disable the Lock Screen in Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607)?

And use the Import Task option in Scheduler to create/import the task automatically.

Lock the workstation and unlock it. From the 2nd time onwards you shouldn't see the lock screen.

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