Google-chrome – How to get google chrome to switch tabs using the mouse wheel


At home I'm running Fedora 17, and I've grown accustomed to quickly scanning through open tabs by using the mouse wheel while hovering over the tab bar. It's a very natural gesture for me now.

At least once a week at work (usually Mondays), I attempt to use the same technique on chrome running on a MacBook Pro, but the tabs won't budge. This is starting to make me crazy.

Does anyone have a solution which will allow me to use the scroll wheel to change tabs on google chrome for OSX?

(I found the following google code thread, but the suggested fix does not address the issue as far as I can tell —

Best Answer

Found a solution on a Google Groups thread. Use AutoHotKey with the following script:

;; Wheel Scroll Tabs for Google Chrome 

#IfWinActive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 
    MouseGetPos,, yaxis 
    IfGreater,yaxis,23, Return 
    IfEqual,A_ThisHotkey,~$WheelDown, Send ^{PgDn} 
                                 Else Send ^{PgUp} 

Note: I've changed it to Chrome_WidgetWin_1 because that's what worked for me. If that doesn't work for you, try changing it to Chrome_WidgetWin_0
