How to get Aptana Studio 3 to save in UTF-8


I'm using Aptana Studio 3 (build:

When I check to see if my file is being written in UTF-8, it shows that it is:

enter image description here

But when I create a file and save it, and look at it in Notepad++, it says it is ANSI:

enter image description here

I then have to convert it with Notepad++ to UTF-8 and continue working on it in Aptana.

How can I set Aptana Studio 3 to save files in UTF-8?

Best Answer

The first 128 characters of ANSI and UTF-8 are the same, with the same encoding. If the files you create with Aptana Studio 3 only have these characters, Notepad++ isn't going to be able to tell the difference. An ANSI file and a UTF-8 file are going to appear identical.

You can observe the same behaviour using only Notepad++

If you save a file in Notepad++, that only has characters in the 0-127 range, with the encoding UTF-8 without BOM. Then re-open the file in Notepad++ it will show the encoding as ANSI.

If you're wondering why UTF-8 without BOM and not UTF-8 that is because the Unicode Standard states: "Use of a BOM is neither required nor recommended for UTF-8" Which is what I imagine Aptana Studio 3 follows when it saves files with the encoding UTF-8.

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