Windows – How to force a “do you really want to shutdown?” dialog in Windows 7

shutdownwindows 7

Sometimes I want to choose "Logout current user", but then I hit "Shutdown" by accident.

Nearly everywhere else Windows 7 is asking "do you really want to do this? Yes/No" –
but that's not the case when I hit the "Shutdown" button. Windows 7 shuts down immediately without giving me the chance to correct my mistake.

So I am wondering – why does Windows shut down immediately without asking "really do that?" in this case?

Is there a way to change this behavior? For example, could I force Windows to display a dialog asking "Do you really want to shutdown?"?

I tried to change this behavior with the policy editor. It seems to be very easy to completely remove the Shutdown button from the Start menu, but I couldn't find an entry to turn on such a Yes/No dialog.

Best Answer

Here is a workaround:

  1. Right click on the Shutdown button and choose Properties
  2. define the default action as logoff

You still don't get a dialog asking "do you really want ...". But you are only logged off when the Button is clicked by accident.

EDIT: if you are wondering what happened to the shutdown entry: it has been moved into the arrow menu now (automatically).

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