Windows – How to fix: Access Denied: Specified user is not a member of TelnetClients groups

telnetwindows 7windows xp

I have two computers one running windows xp(professional) and other is windows 7(Home premium).I want to connect from xp to windows 7, but I am getting error like this

Access Denied: Specified user is not a member of TelnetClients groups.The server administrator must add this user to above group.

I searched in the net that I have to change the local security settings. I changed the
Network access:Sharing and security model for local accounts value from guest only to classic in windows xp but I did not found this option in my windows 7 home premium. So what should I do? Is that not possible to connect to windows 7 home premium using telnet beacause remote desktop connection is also not possible in home premium.

Best Answer

Here's how to use the telnet server on Windows 7 (Home Premium). After you've installed the telnet server, and turned on the telnet service, you have to add users to the TelnetClients group. The problem is that the snapin to do this is disabled in Home Premium. But you can still do this from the command line:

  1. Open a command prompt using "Run as administrator"

  2. Enter the following command: net localgroup TelnetClients /add [username]

  3. You should see:

    The command completed successfully.

  4. To verify, run this command: net localgroup TelnetClients

  5. You should see the account listed as a Member of the TelnetClients group.