Windows – How to find the unknown program enabled during Start-Up

autostarttask-managerwindowswindows 10

I am using a computer with Windows 10 and, as a normal procedure to reduce the boot time, I accessed the Task Manager and checked what was "Enabled" during the "Start-up".

Some of the programs

When I opened that tab, I saw a program called "Program", without Publisher information, which I have now disabled.

Program Disabled it

After that, I went straight to the Control Panel -> Programs and Features, in order to find out what the program is and to delete it; however, nothing with that name appears.

Given that, assuming that I don't know since when do I have that program on this computer, how can I know what this program is, so that I can decide on whether to remove it or not?

Best Answer

You can go to Microsoft Downloads, SysInternals and get Autoruns 64-bit (download it here). Download it, install it and run it and see if it shows you the program on your computer.

For your specific problem, access the "Logon" Tab.

Autoruns Logon

Yellow highlighted sections in the Autoruns display are errors and can be deleted.

That should solve your problem.