How to find the torrent file for a current download


I've had something hanging on utorrent for a few days so I thought I would update the trackers. But I cannot seem to find the actual .torrent file for that download. I've looked through the tabs and checked the download's Properties sheet but it doesn't seem to be there.

Curiously I have also had a quick scan through Spotlight results for a search for the file extension but there doesn't seem to be a matching one. The download is still running and some of the original trackers are no longer working, but most are so I can't have accidentally deleted it – or can I …?

Can anyone steer me in the right direction?

Best Answer

They are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/uTorrent/. It's excluded from normal Spotlight results, but you can still search for the torrent files with mdfind:

mdfind kMDItemFSName=*.torrent
mdfind kMDItemContentType=org.bittorrent.torrent

Transmission stores .torrent files in ~/Library/Application Support/Transmission/Torrents/.

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