How to find the Password of RAR Archived Files


Is it possible to find password of files inside RAR archive, that I have uncompressed files outside that archive and the files are exactly the same as in the archive?
Summary: How to find the Password of RAR Archived Files?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, you cannot easily obtain the password of a RAR archive.

The fact that you have the uncompressed and the corresponding compressed files next to each other, does not help with cracking the password.

The only reliable way to know the password is to use brute force and try out all possible combinations. With a modern computer, you might try thousands of passwords every second, but depends on the length and complexity, the real password might still take ages to crack. Of course, if you created the password yourself, you could perhaps know the length, or know which characters might be included in the password. That could shorten the time it requires to crack it, but in general, it is a very time-consuming task.