How to find compatible motherboard for the computer


I have a Dell Optiplex GX270 that recently stopped working, and I suspect a motherboard (I can go into why if needed). I want to get a replacement from eBay or the like, but I'm not sure what to get. I know that I have the mini-Tower form factor. If I look for "Dell GX270 motherboard" on eBay I find multiple model numbers (or a number I assume is a model number). I believe I have found mine (U1325).

I suspect I don't have to get the exact same motherboard, I just need to get something that fits my form factor and is compatible with the type of RAM I have (probably not an issue as I suspect all GX270s use the same type of RAM).

So, my questions are
1) Is any motherboard okay as long as it fits the criteria of form factor and model number?
2) If not, is there a good way (i.e. website) to determine what model numbers are compatible?

Best Answer

Dell are notorious for having cases and motherboards that go together. Although you have a mini tower, it's a dell mini tower, so a standard layout motherboard won't fit. It's even dodgy whether a motherboard from a different Optiplex would fit your case.

For safety I'd get the exact same model motherboard as the one you have.

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