Windows – How to figure out the installation path of apps from the Microsoft Store

autohotkeytrellowindows 10windows-store

I want to set up a hotkey tool called Autohotkey to open up a program called "Trello" when I hit a certain key combination. For that I need to know the absolute path of the program. The only problem is, I can't seem to figure out where it is installed, since it was installed via the Microsoft Store.

The code for my hotkey is supposed to look something like this:

#t::Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trello\trello.exe" which causes it to run, when I hit Windows + T.

So how do I get the path for Trello?

Best Answer

Finding this isn't easy, but it can be done.

  1. Open a PowerShell window, and make sure you're in a folder you can write to, e.g.: cd ~\Desktop
  2. Use this command to get a dump of all your store apps and output them to a text file: Get-AppxPackage >apps.txt
  3. Open the file in Notepad (or another text editor), and use the Find function to search for the app you're looking for
  4. Look for the InstalledLocation field, copy the path, press WIN+R to open the Run dialog, and paste in the path. Hit Enter to open the folder in Explorer Find InstallLocation
  5. Look for the AppManifest.xml file, and open it in Notepad
  6. You're now looking for two things - the package identity (circled in blue) and the application identity (in red, next to Id). Some packages can have more than one application, so check the Executable is what you'd expect Package and Application Identities
  7. You can then start an application using a command like so:


TL;DR: try shell:AppsFolder\45273LiamForsyth.PawsforTrello_7pb5ddty8z1pa!trello

Sidenote: this also works on the command line or in PowerShell by using start <path>

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