Premiere Pro – How to Export a Single Clip from a Sequence

adobe-premierevideo editing

I'm cutting a video in Premiere Pro CS4 and need to slice a long sequence into smaller parts. I've successfully sliced the parts, like this:

enter image description here

I even set the sequence markers to the current selection. Now I want to export this selection only.

If I press CmdM, it opens the Media Encoder, but doesn't respect the current selection. It wants to export the whole sequence again, and I'd manually have to mark the clips again.

enter image description here

How can I export only the parts I marked?

Best Answer

The solution is to set the Work Area accordingly. Use the second pair of sliders below the timeline. They will snap to the edges of the clip.

Work area selection

Then, in the export dialog, as Source Range, select Work Area.

enter image description here

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