Linux – How to enable cursor scrolling via mousewheel in emacs with urxvt


mouse-wheel-mode is enabled in emacs, however the cursor does not scroll as it had in other terminal emulators, on other distros. I've done a lot of digging and cant seem to find the answer. Again I'm using urxvt, and scrolling up and down of the text in the window of say, the log output of a running application does occur when I move the mouse wheel. In emacs nothing happens with the mousewheel, and I believe there is a way that the scroll wheel can cause the same result as pressing the up arrow/down arrow.

Best Answer

I haven't tested this specifically for emacs yet, but this allows for mouse scrolling when using vim,less,man,etc. Paste this in $HOME/.urxvt/ext/vtwheel (create the file if it doesn't exist):

#! perl

# Implements a scrollwheel just like in good old vt100's mices

sub simulate_keypress {
    my ($self, $type) = @_; #type: 0:up, 1:down

    my $keycode_up = 111;
    my $keycode_down = 116;

    my $numlines = 3;

    my $keycode = 0;
    if ($type eq 0) {
        $keycode = $keycode_up;
    } elsif ($type eq 1) {
        $keycode = $keycode_down;
    } else {

    for (my $i = 0 ; $i ne $numlines ; $i++) {

sub on_button_release {
    my ($self, $event) = @_;

    #my $res_ss = $self->resource("secondaryScroll");
    #warn("ressource ss is <$res_ss>");

    !$self->current_screen and return ();

    #warn("foo, event: <$event->{button}>\n");
    if ($event->{button} eq "4") { # scroll up
        return 1;
    } elsif ($event->{button} eq "5") { # scroll down
        return 1;

    return ();

Then add URxvt.perl-ext-common:vtewheel to your .Xresources (or .Xdefaults) and run xrdb .Xresources
