Windows – How to enable an auto download of newly installed Metro Apps

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I have multiple devices running Windows 8, and would like to sync up the apps that I install on one between the others. Is there a way to enable auto download and installation of apps purchased within Metro Store?

Best Answer

There is currently NO functionality to automatically "download" apps that you have already purchased on other devices. However, your app states will sync across devices. For example, the Kindle app knows which page of Shades of Grey you were reading on Device A. Open Shades of Grey on Device B, and voila! Pick up where you left off. To my understanding, MS deliberately opted to NOT automatically download apps based on account because there will likely be many apps that you will use on your phone or tablet but not on your desktop PC. Wordament is a good example for me. I play this on the phone and tablet, but don't have touch capability on my desktop, so the game is nearly impossible to play. Here is a great article on Sinofsky's blog if you're interested. Signing in to Windows 8 with a Windows Live ID