How to draw a line wich is 1 pixel width and many pixels length without anti-aliasing


I wish to draw long black line in Photoshop with no anti-aliasing.

If I use Line tool it draws line with anti-aliasing. I.e. any imprecise line location relative to the pixel margins produce partially colored pixels near the line. While I need exact one selected color drawn.

I can use Pencil tool with 1 pixel size but and the result is ok, but it is hard to draw long lines with a Pencil.

enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. Select pencil tool.

  2. Now you have 2 options:

    • To draw vertical or horizontal lines: Hold Shift and drag (your mouse movement will be limited to x or y axis)

    • To draw any other straight lines: click on the beginning of the line (you see a dot), move your mouse to the end of the line, hold Shift and click.
      A straight line will be drawn between the two points you clicked on.