Google-chrome – How to do a quick find with forward slash in Chrome

google-chromekeyboard shortcuts

In Firefox forward slash is mapped to quick find. Is it possible to let forward slash behave the same in Google Chrome as in Firefox? To find a link and follow it in a page in Google Chrome I now have to type:

Ctrl + F, <search query>, ESC, Enter

In Firefox this is:

/, <search query>, Enter

Not being able to use forward slash to find in page has been a real show-stopper for me as I use it all the time in Firefox to browse documentation.

Best Answer

Try checking out Vimium, an extension which gives you Vim keymappings. This would allow you to type a '/' and then you start typing whatever you're looking for and it dynamically jumps you to the part of the page that matches.

You may just find that the rest of the Vim keybindings are helpful too - for scrolling, navigating tabs, opening new links, etc., all without taking your hands off the keyboard - but you could simply start with the search feature and safely ignore the rest of the functionality if you're not familiar with the other bindings.