Firefox – How to disable the file:// protocol in Firefox


How to disable file:// protocol in firefox

I want the users not to browse the local files on the machine.

I already disabled SaveAs and OpenFile functions.

I want user not to browse the local files or open it if he know the full path.

Best Answer

I found a way to do this.

First the scenario of our problem is:

  • We want client to use a PCs and they have access to firefox only
  • No "my computer","cmd",...etc.
  • We want them not to browse local files by Firefox , just browsing some sites.
  • We want to block file:// protocol that cause browsing of local files.

My suggested solution:

  1. Download r-kiosk extension and modify it to run on firefox 3.5.*

  2. Modify userPref.js to show the address bar in firefox ---- here we stop Save as,open file,remove extension,no viewsource,but users still browse the localfiles by typing file:///c:/ in url.

  3. Modify dirListing.css in Firefox/chrome/classic.jar/skin/classic/(skin name)/dirListing


Hide elements like P,H1 by using visiblity:hidden

You can use this image created by me to make it as body background:

alt text

Here is the result:

link text

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