Windows – How to disable microphone volume auto-adjusting

audiomicrophonewindows 7

My coworkers started yelling at me today because apparently I started screaming in their ears during a Google hangout. And sure enough, when I go to the Microphone settings dialog, I can see the level being auto-adjusted constantly; sometimes way too high.

I don't think this has happened previously; at least nobody ever complained. Can I find out who is doing that auto-adjusting, and more importantly, can I turn it off? I couldn't find any related setting in the recording device settings.

I'm using Windows 7 64bit, and (I'm mentioning this because the theory has come up that it may be related) I don't have Skype running.

Best Answer

Just found a solution for this:

First, Close your browser or any other programs that are using your microphone.

Open Regedit Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk Plugin]

In this section it should have a string value named "audio-flags" with a value of 3

Change this value to one so it reads like "audio-flags"="1" or as seen below in the picture.

Once you've done all this you can open your browser and launch googletalk/hangouts. I've noticed that if I ever open the hangouts settings tab to adjust any settings it does reset this setting. So be prepared to do it over again if you do that (and subsequently reset your browser).

hangout fix

I have confirmed this does work.

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