Linux – How to disable GtkFileChooserDialog search

arch linuxfirefoxgtklinux

If I want to open or save a file in an gtk3 app (eg firefox) I get an unwanted search function after tiping a character.

Old and productive behaviour: typing d gives me the first file beginning with d, typing de gives me the first file with de.

New and unwanted behaviour: typing d starts a search process and gives me /home/myuser/Downloads/somestuff/DETLEFF or some other file somewhere in the system.


How can I change back to the old and productive behaviour?

My system: archliux64, Gtk3: 3.18.6, windowmanager: fluxbox

Best Answer

The feature you are looking for is called "typeahead" and it is disabled in GtkFileChooserDialog. gtk3-typeahead from the AUR restores the previous behavior.

The package author says disabling typeahead is hardcoded in GTK+ and in a bug report it was stated: "It's not a bug; the removal of the type-ahead search was very much intentional."

Note there is now some (partially broken) tab-completion in the name/address field mimicking the behavior of the shell.

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